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Nova Solutions

Let's take your education to the next level! Nova Solutions offers training desks for students that you can't find nowhere else. Regular desks get the job done, but Nova's desks enhance the experience!

With these computer desks, it gives you more space to work and makes it easier for instructor and student to see each other. With the downview, the trolley monitor lift and split top desk, the computer screen is removed from the main work area.

This allows more space for books and notes to be placed. Without the big computer screen in the way, teachers can have better line of sight with their students!

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Why Buy A Nova Solutions Computer Desk?

nova single downview desk with computer below screen

A Desk That Hides The Monitor

Yes, you read that right. Let's be honest, computer monitors take up a lot of space. You have notes, books, calculators, etc on your desk. Let's clear up some of that space by putting the monitor below the desk!

At the click of a button, with the trolley monitor lift desk, the monitor screen will retract below the desk surface. With our Nova downview desks, the computer screen is already below the desk.

nova downview desks with keyboard tray pulled out

Better Line of Sight

Eye contact is important as an educator. With a big ole computer screen in the way, how can you look eye to eye with your students? It's difficult. But with Nova's computer desks, it gives you all the line of sight you need!

Not only can you see your students better, but you can see if they have their phones out, as well. It's not a secret students like to text behind their computer screens. With these desks, there won't be no more of that.

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Be Different

It's time to be unique. You rarely see colleges with downview and trolley monitor lift desks. Usually it's just basic, regular desks. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that, but why not have better?

The desks Nova offers are unique and provide more value in a world where we're going towards more and more technology

Nova Downview Desks

Nova Downview Desks are perfect for your classroom. Whether you need a desk for yourself, or for your students.

As I stated above, with these downview desks, it clears up so much space without a big screen taking up all the space. Now you have room for your books, notes, and other learning materials.

The other good thing about the downview desk is the angle you're working from. Usually when you're reading a book, you don't have it lifted up. It's down on a table, or in your lap. Why not have your computer the same way. With these desks, it gives you that downward glaze you're used to.

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a drawing of a person at a downview computer desk

Trolley Monitor Lift Desks

At the press of a button, the screen can disappear like magic. Then you can press it again, and it can reappear.

What makes it even cooler is if you have multiple trolley monitor lift desks, you can raise them and lower them at the exact same time! Once again like the downview desk, they free up that space!

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Nova Solutions Computer Desks Price

Standard Single Desk $1,199.00
Standard Double Desk $2,099.00
Downview Single Desk $1,499.00
Downview Double Desk $2,699.00
Trolley Monitor Lift Single Desk $2,399.00
Trolley Monitor Lift Double Desk $4,599.00

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